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Advice for Recent College Grads
As college graduation season has arrived, many young adults are stepping into the world with their degree for the first time. Congratulations!
Now that you’ve found yourself crossing the bridge from college life into, well, whatever comes next – I wanted to share some of my top recent college graduate advice!

About Me
Hey – I’m Dani!
I’m in my mid-twenties, living in Los Angeles and working in the entrainment industry. Born right on the line in the middle of being a Millennial and Generation Z, I started Dani Dearest in my first year of college (2014!) to share what I was learning about life, and have a creative outlet.
I’ve always loved writing, reading, sharing, and telling stories. When I started college I fell in love with organization, planning, handling my finances, growing my career, and figuring out who I am. Combine these loves – and you have Dani Dearest.